Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Entry Six - Bovinga (2)

Doctor 2 stared at me. Ginger woman stared at Doctor 2. And then Doctor 1 started staring at Doctor 2. And I flicked between the three of them feeling very left out of some sort of loop that everyone else seemed to understand at least a bit.

And then Ginger turned her head and looked at me again, and this time I could tell that she was really sizing me up, like she was extremely curious or something. And I started thinking ‘well if this is the Doctor after I’m dead… did he mention me?’ and that sort of made me smile a bit and then I felt like a fool because I was smiling while everyone else appeared gobsmacked. And with two Doctors there… that’s some big gob to smack.

Finally, Doctor 1 cut past Ginger and took Doctor 2 by the arm, who then seemed to break out of whatever confusion it was that he had going on with his statue-like behavior and Doctor 1 said “I think that maybe we should talk,” and Doctor 2 nodded and said “Yeah that’s probably best.” Then Doctor 1 opened the TARDIS door and Doctor 2 didn’t seem remotely surprised to see it all lit up like the red light district but Ginger said “What have you done with the TARDIS?! That’s not some end of the world thing, oh you just try it.”

Doctor 1 look at her like she was nuts but Doctor 2 just sort of smiled before they both disappeared into the ship and shut the door behind them, but not before one of them shouted, “Don’t wander off!”

I wondered why it was that when I was in two places at once and I held myself as a baby the reapers appeared and a paradox ensued. I wondered why that didn’t happen with the two Doctors, but figured I’d ask later. For now Ginger had turned back round and was regarding me with one of the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen.

“Rose Tyler!” she said, “You can’t even imagine how well I’ve want to meet you!” Then she took the few steps that still remained between us and enveloped me in a gigantic hug. I was a little startled at first but I like to think that time and space has loosened a lot of my inhibitions. Well, when it comes to a lot of things. Not all, obviously. So we hugged for awhile even though we didn’t know each other and when I pulled back I decided that I liked this ginger woman quite a lot and I fully approved of all Doctor related adventures she’d have. But then again, I was still calling her Ginger in my head.

“I’m sorry,” I said, “What’s your name?”

“Oh!” she said, and laughed a jag, “Donna Noble. You’ve no idea how much I’ve heard about you. When we first met, oh my god! I’ve never seen anyone so-” She suddenly stopped speaking then, which I guess didn’t surprise me all that much.

I shuffled my feet a bit. “What happens to me? Do I die?”

I could see something flash across her face, but she must’ve known that she shouldn’t tell me much of anything, which was sort of frustrating. “I,” she shook her head, “I can’t…”

I nodded, knowing that she couldn’t, but then I scratched my head anyway, disheveling my hair a bit, and asked, “How long have I got?”

She was still for a moment and I tried to read her stillness but couldn’t quite manage. I wasn’t even sure how much she would even know. Finally, I forced a smile. “This is some crazy veg, huh?” I said, gesturing to the market.

“I would’ve loved to see my mum try to feed me that when I was young,” Donna said pointing towards a prickly looking green thing, I smiled. She smiled.

“Wanna go for a walk?” I asked and she nodded. Off we went.

More tomorrow.

1 comment:

HelenW said...

yeah a continuing series!!!

"that's some big gob to smack." lol! Loves it.