Friday, October 3, 2008

Entry One - Shallacatop

Hello. I'm Rose Tyler. I was just a shopgirl but now I travel through time and space with a man called the Doctor.

<---- This is us.

Behind us there is the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimensions in Space), yes it's an acronym, I've had to explain that to my mum over and over again. It look like a police box from the 1960's but it's really a lot bigger on the inside. Really (I've heard whispers about a bowling alley).

Anyway, there's the basics out of the way on to everyday life.

Today I woke up because the TARDIS shuddered so violently I got thrown out of bed. It was hardly the most pleasant of ways to be awoken. So, I groggily made my way to the console room to make sure that there was nothing wrong only to find the Doctor dancing about the console like he's five years old (this is not unusual). Nothing was wrong, and it was at this point it became quite evident that he woke me up on purpose. Usually he just sits on the end of my bed, poking my feet, and saying something along the lines of; "Rooooooose, wake up, I'm bored and I've landed us in the sixteenth century. Don't you want to go meet Anne Boleyn?" Which I obviously can't resist. I told him I thought that was a much better way to wake up than what he'd apparently chosen today. He thought that was very funny.

I made toast with pear butter and he complained bitterly (he doesn't like pears), but then I mashed him a banana on toast and all was forgiven.

Then we went to Shallacatop. It was my idea. I like that name it pops off your tongue. Shallacatop. He said that there wasn't much there, and he was right. It was actually one big planet filled with sand, but it wasn't too hot and I got a nice tan. I'm English, what can I say? If I see the opportunity for a tan, I take it. He read a book on literary criticism and laughed at everyone. I told him it was rude, but he said he didn't care so long as there wasn't anyone but me to hear him.

Overall, it was a fairly pleasant day. And no running. Nice change.

1 comment:

HelenW said...

These entries are so funny. I love them. Can't wait to read more.