Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Entry Eight - Bovinga (4)

Donna and I made our way back towards where Doctor 1 had landed the TARDIS laughing and chatting. I even bought some of the more interesting looking fruits to try later (after I asked the Doctor if they were safe, of course). The fireworks were well over and the sky was dark, but they had all these, sort of, lamps set up, like they would have in ancient China or something. It was really beautiful, and none of the commerce had stopped. I thought that if I didn't love Earth so much I could live on Bovinga, but then again, I say that about almost every planet. Well, not every planet, but you know what I mean. Anyway, when we got back to the spot Doctor 2 had evidently moved TARDIS 2 next to TARDIS 1 and I had to blink a bit to make sure I wasn't seeing double.

"Here they are," Doctor 1 called into TARDIS 2 and Doctor 2 popped his head out.

"I thought I said not to wander off!" Doctor 2 said, and he actually seemed a bit angry, I wasn't quite prepared for that. And I wasn't sure how I should address him. He was the same person, but I had no idea how long it'd been or anything. But either way he might've been talking to both me and Donna but he was looking at me.

"But you always say that," I said, popping my tongue between my teeth in that way I have a habit of doing and he just sort of smiled a me a minute and I smiled back and then he said; "Yeah I do, don't I?" and then we just looked at each other for a few more moments. I couldn't tell exactly what it was that he was thinking, but the expression on his face was a bit sad and happy at the same time.

"Well," Doctor 2 finally said and I suddenly became aware that Doctor 1 and Donna were still there, which was a little strange that I'd forgotten for a moment, "I guess we can go now. The TARDIS will fix all this once we take off, we," he gestured between himself and Doctor 1 "saw to that while you two were wandering about."

"But," Donna had a very confused look on her face, "that's it? We just leave, after all that?"

"Yes, that's it," Doctor 2 said and for about one point two seconds he looked a little sad about it but then he slapped on his regular grin and then took a step towards me a bit tentatively and I laughed because he looked so ridiculous and I took the other step and we hugged.

If you ever happen to meet the Doctor I suggest you get yourself a hug. They are really quite remarkable.

Then Donna gave me a hug and we laughed one more time over nothing. She was brilliant, Donna Noble. But I knew I'd never see her again, and that made me a bit sad. Then she went back and joined Doctor 2 who started to go into TARDIS 2 but then stopped and turned back once more and then came over and whispered something in my ear.

I'm not going to tell you what he said. But it didn't make any sense to me, so it guess it doesn't matter all that much. But for some reason, it felt like it meant a lot.

And then they went.

We both stood watching the TARDIS 2 dematerialise and then stood staring at where it'd been before.

"I like Donna," I said and he nodded smiling. Then, "Something happens to me."

The Doctor was silent for a moment and then turned to me and said, "Nothing's going to happen to you." And he had that same serious face that Doctor 2 had had for a moment but then, just like his future self he broke into a smile. "But anyway, let's go see the Towers of Boving, shall we? What we came for? Bit of fun. Oh, are those fruits from the market?" he started going through my bag, "Oooo! Maugnini Fruit, my favourite!"

We went to see the Towers then. They were very tall and very spiraly, just as he'd said. And we ran all the way to the top and yelled our names from the top (which is the tradition. The yelling, not the running). We sat up there a long time, either ruminating over what had just happened or waiting for some sort of catastrophe to happen (it didn't). Finally, it was time to go home. So we went back to the now lone TARDIS and he told me what buttons to press as we spun back into the Vortex.

Until next time.

1 comment:

HelenW said...

Ohhhh, sad.

(They should have written the finale of season 4 like this -- much more interesting).