Thursday, October 9, 2008

Entry Four - Salexia Eighty-Five

I am not longer going to comment my dear Doctor's hacks, as I don't think chastising him is going to stop him from posting on my blog. But really, he's a bit funny isn't he, soooo I guess I don't mind so much. I was about to say anyway there but realised that I wrote that several times in my last post. I'm starting to sound like him.

So, todays adventure began quite peacefully. I woke up, as usual, to the Doctor poking my feet, it's a bit like having an alarm clock, only bigger and more excitable. With great hair (insert predictable preen here when he reads this). Then I made tea and beans on toast while he ate marmalade out of the jar, and we discussed what to do today. There's apparently this brilliant planet called Salexia Eighty-Five, named thus as it's the eighty-fifth planet from it's perspective sun. I figured that would make it rather cold, but he assured me that because of it's rotation around said sun, which is apparently massive, it's really quite lovely. Sounded well enough to me so we relocated to the console room and he set course for Salexia Eighty-Five.

We were aiming for high summer, when the weather is apparently the best, but landed in early autumn. The Doctor did not look happy that he'd landed us wrong, and it was a bit cold, but it wasn't bad. It was still beautiful. Here's a photo of us and the water:

We were all content to sit back for awhile. The waves against the rocks was quite a lovely sound, actually, and it being early autumn there weren't any tourists around so I brought out the toast and tea and we had a mini picnic, which was quite pleasant. Then after that I read Peter Pan which was in the TARDIS library. I've never read it before and was quite entranced. Peter reminds me of the Doctor a little, but he scoffed at me when I told him that. He said he wasn't as arrogant, I said that remains to be seen. But while I was reading the Doctor fixed some thingamabob... he did explain, I just don't remember.

The sun kept rising in the sky, and he was right, it was bloody enormous, and it got warmer and warmer, which was brilliant cause I could take off my coat, which was a bit cumbersome.

Then just as we were discussing what to do next there was a massive explosion. Now I know it might not be considered good form to grin when there are explosions, but they tend to herald trouble. And with trouble comes fun. I thought the Doctor was going to rip my arm off in his pursuit of said explosion.

It seemed, once we made our way over to where we thought the explosion had come from, to be some sort of protest. Apparently (I am thinking I say that word quite too much), since the last time the Doctor had dropped by Salexia Eighty-Five there'd been some sort of hostile takeover coup by the Chief Secretarial Officer, Baxxicalin (we're calling him Bax), who'd raised an army and exiled the Chief Executive Officer (Lax) to Salexia Three, quite far away this time of year.

Well, it wasn't really our place to get involved in politics from planets where neither of us reside, but clearly something had to be done. I'm not going to go too far into it, because let's just say I don't know who reads this and we're now officially WANTED in the Salexia system. Really, we got posters and everything, like something out of a Western Film. Brilliant! But guess who's back in power? You got it, Lax.

So that's two places we can't go again, banished from Victorian England and WANTED in Salexia... well, it's a big universe, plenty of places to go.

Oh, and here is when the Doctor tried to take a photo of the two of us:

He makes me laugh. How lucky am I?

Until next time.

1 comment:

HelenW said...

As always, such a pleasure to hear about your daily adventures Rose.
