Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Entry Seven - Bovinga (3)

Donna and I walked through the stands looking at all the different kinds of fruit and veg for awhile not speaking. That wasn’t particularly hard to do really, there was so much stimulant to the eye that speech… well, I just sort of forgot about it. I kept running my hands over the glossiest ones. I know it seems weird describing fruit and veg as glossy but some of them are. Even on Earth. Eggplant? Oh yes.

Anyway, I suppose it was an inevitability that eventually one of us would speak, and in this case it was me. “God, I never get used to this, do you?”

“What eating vegetables that look like those sea urchin things what in the beginning of ‘The Little Mermaid’? No thank you. I stick to Earth food. We stock up every time we go back…which is all the time.”

I laughed, I was starting to realise that I’d just have to treat Donna like Sarah Jane and not like someone who came after me, and she was very amusing. “I meant the travelling, seeing all this stuff. But yeah, I prefer chips to cucumbers from Caliproxin any day,” then I thought a moment, “well, at least, they tasted like cucumbers.”

“Oh yeah, you see all sorts of things that you’d never be able to even imagine,” she said back and we both fell into one of those reflective moments when you realise how lucky you are to be a twenty first century girl travelling through space and time.

“The food though, sometimes,” I said and then pulled a face.

“I know! Sometimes he’ll have us on some backwater little planet doing all sorts of running and whatnot and I just want to say ‘Oi! Take me to Italy, I could murder a pizza!’”

We talked for a little while longer about all kinds of things. The Doctor though, mostly. All his little nuances like talking too fast, expecting us to understand what he was saying, getting over excited about incredibly dorky things. All those little endearing things that make the Doctor the Doctor. I would say it was light to medium teasing. I asked her about her family, she lives with her mum and granddad and was a temp before becoming time traveller extraordinaire. I told her about mum and Mickey over there in that parallel universe (I swear she blanched but she said she was fine), and how I used to work at Henrick’s. She said she went in there all the time and we mused over the fact that we might’ve seen each other.

But at this point it had gotten dark and we thought it might be best if we went back to the TARDIS to see if the boys had hashed out whatever paradoxical issue was going on but then there were fireworks so we stayed to watch them for a bit.

I really liked Donna Noble. She was funny and quick and I didn’t feel strange about her like I did about Sarah Jane. I don’t like to say I get jealous, but there are just certain things one has to own up to eventually. Hello my name is Rose Tyler and I have a severe jealousy problem. It’s not like I try, in fact I try not to be, but then snarky things come out of my mouth, what can I do? But the point here was that I didn’t feel jealous of Donna Noble. Which was good. I think, if things were different we could be great friends.

After the fireworks display though, it was pretty clear that we would have been missed by this point. Well, it’s not like I don’t have a habit of wandering off. Donna laughed when I said that and made a disparaging remark about the running.

“I like the running,” I said.

She shook her head and said, “You two are suited.”

I didn’t even ask what that was meant to mean.

More tomorrow.

1 comment:

Donna Noble said...