Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Entry Eight - Barcelona (!)

Once, in a very stressful situation the Doctor said he wanted to take me to Barcelona. Not the city Barcelona, the planet Barcelona. Due to said stressful times... we never quite made it. Instead we ended up back at the Powell Estate fighting off invading Sycorax while the Doctor took a nap (okay, less nap and more regenerative coma). But after leaving London we realised that we didn't have anywhere specific in mind. The Doctor was all set to randomise (I love randomise, you never know what you're going to get), but then I remembered that he'd never actually managed to take me to Barcelona.

He looked like he was going to go flying through the roof. "Oh, Barcelona! I love Barcelona, we are absolutely without a single question in this great big universe going to Barcelona at this very moment." I laughed, he set the coordinates and moments later we materialised on what he assured me was Barcelona's main drag.

I almost died when we left the TARDIS. The sun is a sort of blue colour and makes everything shine with a sort of blue hue. Gorgeous really. I think different coloured suns were what confused me the most when I first started travelling. In films the suns are always yellow, I just figured they were all yellow, but apparently not. And what colour light gets shined on a planet really does make a difference. Purple is my favourite. I love purple skies to the point where he Doctor makes fun of me for it. But blue might come in a very close second.

Then of course I had to see the dogs with no noses. I really had spent a very long time imagining them in my head. I thought maybe they'd have big holes in their faces, but that doesn't really make sense. It might get very messy, plus, why would anything be born with a giant hole in the middle of their face? Anyway, they've got fur though, so it only stands to reason that they'd just have fur. I am not sure why I did not think of this.

But anyway, immediately after disembarking the TARDIS, with a little extra time for me to squee and the Doctor to look very proud of himself, I said we had to find a dog. He was already all over it. I chased him down the street as he took off, coat flapping in the wind (I swear he hit a small child in the face with his coat tails at one point), it's apparently very windy on Barcelona, until finally he found an old woman walking... what really looked like a English sheepdog and stood with his arms sticking out all akimbo (love that word, akimbo) just short of saying 'Ta da!'. But the dog had no nose. No nose! I mean, I was prepared but it looked so silly I just laughed until finally I had to say the requisite; "How does he smell?"

The lady just stared at me as I collapsed into giggles and the Doctor laughed too until finally he says "Awful!" and we got our absolute proof... as she walked away rather offended, that they do not have Monty Python on Barcelona.

Anyway, here's our puppy friend:

We don't know his name since his owner went off in a huff (at least I got a photo first), but the Doctor's calling him Harvey.

Then we went into a shop on the 'main drag' as the Doctor calls it. I suppose 'main drag' isn't a bad description of it. It certainly looked like it'd be. Lots of shops, like Oxford Street or the Champs-Élysées... I need to make the Doctor take me to Paris sometime, I've never been properly and I for a fact he took someone called Romana, but all that's beside the point. In the ship there were all the delicacies of the planet. Cream puffs and something that looked like a sort of weird jelly, but the Doctor said they were well know for their candied nuts, so we got some of those, warm, and ate them while we went down the street. They were delicious and we both made a mental note to buy some more before we left for a rainy day (though he says he never travels on rainy days, unless it's an accident or atmospheric disturbance. I asked when it wasn't atmospheric disturbance and he said that was a fair point).

At the end of the 'main drag', henceforth called by it's proper name Helanci Street, was Barcelona Castle. The Doctor explained that the monarchy of Barcelona had been overthrown ages ago but that, like the rest of Europe, the palaces were still there and used for tourism. Barcelona has a very strong tourism industry and is very popular with colonist humans who miss the old planet. I didn't ask what'd happened to the 'old planet' since it was only the year 7,000,001 and the Earth hadn't seen it's final days yet.

But Barcelona Castle was gorgeous. All Disney looking. The Doctor said it was Luxembourgy looking, but I told him I wasn't sure that was a word. He asked me when that had ever stopped him before. We both laughed. We didn't tour it, since the Doctor said the lines were usually outrageous and you couldn't see much of anything ever anyway, so we took a photo of me outside.

After that we explored a little more, on foot and by rickshaw (they had rickshaws!) and every time either one of would see a dog with no nose we'd shout "How does he smell!?" And people looked at us very strange. We ended the tour back where we started from, but stopped in a small bookshop near the TARDIS where the Doctor bought about twelve enormous looking tomes and I picked up a few beachy reads and some of my trashy magazines (which I fully intend to put away properly, I'm so sorry TARDIS). The Doctor peered at my selection and raised and eyebrow. "I hope you don't think this streak of normalcy is going to continue," he said and I thought about a minute.

"We haven't gotten into any trouble lately," I said.

"The trouble's just the bits in between, just like I said to you mum last Christmas," the Doctor said, thumbing through a book on the history of a species called the Mumintax.

I smirked, just a bit, and tried to raise an eyebrow but both went up anyway, "Yeah but we both know you were lying."

He smiled at me like he wasn't sure whether to chastise me for that comment or agree. He went with agree. "Just you wait, Rose Tyler," he said, "there's plenty more trouble out there, just waiting for us."

We both stood there grinning stupidly for a second but then the man behind the counter handed over our purchases and he took my hand and we went back to the TARDIS. We forgot to buy the candied nuts.

Until next time.

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