Monday, October 6, 2008

Entry Two - Time Vortex

Well, I've had a very eventful day.

Yesterday was brilliant because I finagled a trip to the Obvertalinky Candy Company. Not that it was hard to finagle a trip to a candy company from my over sugared man-child of a companion (haha, he's my companion). But I still count it as a victory cause it was my idea. We both gorged ourselves on the free samples and then he bought me a pink candy floss which I thought would be strawberry but turned out to be much more heavenly. Not sure I can really describe it but it was sort of like every flavour of pink Earth fruit you can imagine. Only better.

He got blue and it tasted like pineapple. We both ate so much of the others that I think we should have gone halfsies.

After that it was back to the TARDIS as usual.

Now: Before I go into today's adventure I think I need to tell you a bit more about the TARDIS. I mentioned that it was bigger on the inside, I am not sure I mentioned that it's a Time and Space machine. Anywhere, anywhen, that's what the TARDIS is good for. She's a bit old, and has gone through quite a few repairs (unsurprising when my companion is over nine hundred years old, yes that's right, he's an old man but surprisingly spry, oooo now I am afraid he's going to read this) but she's completely brilliant. And can translate alien languages right inside my head. This is the console room:

But when I say 'bigger on the inside' I mean bigger on the inside. Huge really. So today I went wandering, just a bit of an exploration from the kitchen while I was waiting for the kettle and I turned a corridor and the next thing I know? LOST!

Absolutely bone tingling, no idea where I am lost in an alien spacecraft.

I retraced my steps but I swear the TARDIS changes things around sometimes. Maybe this was just her way of playing hide and seek with me, but it was hardly fun. I wandered in and out of storage units and spare bedrooms for near twenty minutes before I realised I had my superphone and could simply phone the console. He called me once from the console with some line about travelling through time and space and not having a phone. That was the only time I've ever seen the phone or heard it ring or anything, but the number's stored in my mobile so I thought it was worth a shot.

I have never heard a more confused hello. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Doctor! I'm lost!

Him: Lost where?

Me: Well, I don't know otherwise I wouldn't be lost!

Him: Well what's around?

Me: -looking around- It's just a hallway... -take a few more steps- Oh wait, there's a bit of a... it looks like a Saloon from a John Wayne feature.

Him: Okay! Keeping going till you reach the third corridor on the left then take a right, another right, walk past the bins, you'll come to a bit of a fork, turn left....

This went on to three hours.

Three bloody hours.

By the time I found something he recognised and he told me to stay put while he came to find me I was almost in too foul a mood to enjoy my bone crushing hug. Not quite though. Those are some good hugs.

We went and got pizza in New York then. Best slice in the universe. Or so says the Doctor, also made a new friend. This is pizza man Tony:

Until next time.

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