Sunday, October 19, 2008

Entry Seven - Earth (Still)

Couple of things today, no photos as it's a long one.

First, the Doctor is clearly insane. I understand that eighty years is not a long time to someone who's already lived for over nine hundred and is nowhere near slowing down, but to gripe on about something so absurd is ludicrous. All day he followed me around with glasses of water telling me that I should keep my skin hydrated so that I wouldn't feel the need to slather on anti-wrinkle cream any time soon. I'm 20 years old, I am unconcerned about the 'human aging process' as he calls it. And I really don't need him hacking into my blog and posting photos of me and my mum side by side!

But anyway! We're still on Earth, London, Powell Estate, Flat 48 of Bucknall House... okay maybe I shouldn't be broadcasting my address on the internet? Oh well, I doubt anyone reads this anyway, except maybe a few. I know HelenW does, yay HelenW.

So, as the Doctor already informed everyone I went out last night when a couple of my mates, Shareen and Keisha, I ran into Keisha's cousin last night at the chippy and she told the two of them that I was home. So just as soon as me and the Doctor and mum were finished with our chips they came knocking on the door begging me to go out with them (the Doctor had conveniently hidden himself in my bedroom at this point). I was going to beg off, but I got to thinking that it'd be nice to have a pint with my mates again. They invited the Doctor along too, of course (Keisha's met him, they got on okay I think even though there were weird happenings at the time and all), but I couldn't even get him to come out of the bedroom to meet Shareen, which I thought was just a bit rude.

We went down to the pub down the street and had a couple of pints, caught up. They're both dating blokes who I haven't met, but everything's working out great. Vicky broke up with Kyle after he threw a brick through Chris's car window when he caught them talking. Marie got a job as a waitress at some posh new place up near Bond Street. It was all the gossip I used to not be able to wait to hear, but for some reason it sounded completely mundane. I sat there and chewed on my nails though, cause I knew eventually there were going to ask about me and I hadn't the slightest idea of what to tell them.

And then the worst thing that I could possibly imagine happened.

Shareen got a sort of queer look on her face and I could see her nudge Keisha under the table so I laughed and turned to see what it was that they were looking at, and there, standing by the door to the pub with some slapper with fuck me heels and the most hideous colour of bottle blonde, was Jimmy Stone.

The ex of exes.

I will not get into the whole story about Jimmy and me but I will say that I moved out of my mum's flat to live with him instead of finishing school and getting my A Levels. I was completely blinded by my stupid infatuation for the git and had the stupidity to believe that he actually loved me. It ended badly. And with tears. And me in debt I finished paying off just before my job blew up. Needless to say I never wanted to see him again, as he is a complete wanker.

And despite all this, I was frozen to the spot and couldn't speak, even when he was standing right in front of me waiting for a response.

He was all smirky, thinking he had it better with his whore of a girlfriend, ripped band tee shirt, and second hand leather jacket that he never took off, even in our flat. He stared waiting for me to speak, I stared unable to speak (cursing myself for being so affected), and Whore had the audacity of giggle!

Finally, he spoke again; "Out with the girls, I see," he said. "Guess you're not with that Mickey Smith anymore, I heard he moved away. Shame."

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. What was I meant to say?! Yeah, Mickey decided to go live in a Parallel Universe which is now sealed off so that I'll never see him again? Obviously not. And I knew that Jimmy was just trying to needle me, the frustrating bit was that it was working!

Luckily, Shareen and Keisha could always be depended upon to say something, though what they picked wouldn't have been my first choice. "She's got a new bloke now," Shareen said, all defiantly. "He's some sort of doctor and they travel," Keisha added. All I could do was nod.

Jimmy did not seem all that impressed. Actually, he didn't seem like he believed them. I suppose it would be rather hard to believe that I could land a doctor, in the sense that he was thinking doctor, not that... Anyway, I didn't feel like I could rightly lie and call the Doctor 'my bloke' anyway. Jimmy left clearly feeling like he'd gotten the upper hand. Which depressed me to no end. So we got more pints. And more pints. Many pints in I was well pissed and we all trudged back to the Powell Estate to collapse on the sofas like we used to do.

Though when we passed the play park Keisha decided she wanted to swing, and Shareen immediately went to the slide. I think they might've been a bit confused, if they hadn't been so pissed, as to why I went for the police box. I had my key like always but my head was a bit everywhere, so I knocked, not really sure why because I was fairly sure that the Doctor would've been tucked up in the flat, watching telly or something, but he answered the door, very confused looking and I just laughed and pulled him out of the TARDIS by his tie.

He looked a bit bug eyed and Shareen came down the slide and goes: "Oi! Who are you and where'd you come from?!" To which I said something which came out sort of like this "Sissssducktuh." And Keisha fell of the swing and said: "Doctor! We don't have chips with newsprint!"

Shareen then got up, poked the Doctor in the chest, and said "You! You are stole my Rosie! Mickey said all about you, but he said you had big ears. Your ears are normal size." I laughed and said "His ears used to be big!" and then lost my footing and tripped. The Doctor had to hold me up so that I didn't fall.

"Okay," he said after a few more moments of being poked by Shareen, and drooled upon by me, "let's get you girls up and to bed, you've obviously consumed a higher level of liquor than the 0.08% blood alcohol count stipulated by the United Kingdom. In which you live. Judging by your reaction time, over-expression, and all around boisterousness, you're probably on the scale at around 0.11–0.20 %. Best sleep it off."

Shareen squinted at him and Keisha giggled, I came dangerously close to saying something incredibly stupid.

He was very good though, for the anti-domestic that he is, he tucked them both up on the couch and me in my bed and was very good about it when I wouldn't let go of his hand. He stayed until I fell asleep but when I woke up he was, unsurprisingly, gone.

But mum made breakfast for everyone. Real proper breakfast. Gorgeous. And we all gorged ourselves until the effects of the ciders were well buried under toast, beans, eggs, and sausages. The girls asked about our travels and we gave some mumbo jumbo about South America, while mum shot me glances out the side of her eye. The girls left after breakfast and I promised them I'd call and visit back again soon, even though I sort of knew that I wouldn't.

Mum handed over my clean laundry and we exchanged hugs again. And it was time to go. Back into time and space, spinning throughout the universe.

Until next time.


Queen Ariella said...

Wow, someone has a hectic life. Isn't it about time you came back to visit me?

HelenW said...

This was so beautifully written Rose. (And you mentioned me, yah!!!). I loved it, truly.

And I love that you got pissed. haha. And the doctor being anti-social, and putting you to bed.

Can't wait to read what happens next.


RomanaakaFred said...

Ooo' I don't easily get intoxicated..the Doctor by the other hand..we-ll I've come to find that if you drug him he seems a bit more crazy then usual running around planets asking for Bananas..I once gave him a pear and he wa slike, "Romanananana..this isn't a Banana! It's a pppear.."

My oh my keep him off of drugs and achoal he's the one who came up with the don't do drugs line-nodd- We should visit the pub one night