Saturday, October 18, 2008

Entry Six - Earth

After much cajoling and my best puppy dog face:

(the Doctor simply can not resist) we landed the TARDIS outside the Powell Estate. I am fairly convinced that the Doctor doesn't really mind visiting my mum, but he does like to complain an awful jag. With his last self he was definitely much less domestic and wouldn't even have tea, but new new Doctor (admittedly not so new anymore) had the most domestic of domestic meals with us (Christmas). Plus I know he loves my mum, even if he'll never say. Sometimes I think he thinks of her as his mum too, which is a little strange when you think that linearly he'd have been about 862 when she was born. But still, even 900+ year old Time Lords need a little TLC. So, I am not convinced that he really dislikes the idea of visiting home as much as he pretends to.

We landed the TARDIS in the play park where I used to run around with Mickey when I was a girl or swing on the swings, flirting with boys when I was older.

The Doctor said it was his favourite place to park the ship because mum always yelled at him when he parked in the living room (she works from home and has clients over so it would look a bit freakish to have a police box sitting in the middle of the room. I always thought it'd be hilarious if we landed in the living room while mum had a client. I am sure it will happen someday. But it's not in too obvious a place.

Anyway we went out and there was mum standing in the play park staring at us with a couple big bags full of shopping in her arms.

"I was going back to the flat and I heard that thing," she said, "thank goodness, you can help me carry all this." And with that she dumped both overstuffed bags into the Doctor's arms. He didn't look well pleased. But I laughed.

I didn't ask mum how long it'd been for her since we'd been back. The Doctor does try to keep the visits rather close to each other, but he's not the best TARDIS pilot. He does tend to overshoot sometimes, or undershoot. We often end up at different places than we expect, which is usually fine because there's some other brilliant adventure just waiting for us, but it does have a habit of me standing in the wrong century dressed in VERY wrong clothes. But all that's besides the point. When it comes to mum I find it's best just not to ask. So long as I'm not visible older, I have nightmares about travelling for thirty years and then dropping in for a visit.

Anyway, once we got back into the flat it was all hugs:

Mum made us all tea, immediately, as she tends to do. If you asked her you'd think tea could save the universe, though, to be fair, it has.

So we drank our tea and me and the Doctor told her all about everything that'd happened lately (leaving out some of the more life threatening things), and mum told us all about what she'd been up to (not much, just work, telly, and she'd been seeing some of this man called Charlie who worked at the pizza place that opened up last year). Then she put in my washing and and the Doctor and I had a poking fight until she came back (it was a draw).

Then of course she started in on how I never call and I apologised and told her I would do more often, like I always say. And every time I mean it, but every time I manage to get distracted immediately. I often wonder how she can't be curious about what takes me away, but see's never asked to come. I doubt she ever will. I think the Doctor would probably take her along, even though they'd be needling each other the whole time.

But then we got hungry and I said I needed chips immediately and to stock up on Cadbury's (still the best chocolate in the universe, I maintain. The Doctor says it's better on Bellalux 5 but I disagree). I let mum and the Doctor to go down to the chippy around the corner. They'd started watching some sort of quiz show and competing, I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to be around to see how that went down.

When I came back, chips in tow, the Doctor was going on and on about how it was unfair to ask question about EastEnders on a quiz show, and mum was saying that was just cause it was the only question she beat him on. I thought it was hilarious but neither mum nor the Doctor seemed all that amused. I told them both to just eat their chips and stop glowering.

We, or rather I decided we'd stay the night. The Doctor complained cause he had to sleep on the couch since mum wouldn't let him bring the TARDIS in the flat.

Until next time.


HelenW said...

I called my mum after reading this post. Makes me a bit nostalgic for home. :)


rosefromearth said...

Nostalgia is always good.

But so is travelling and seeing new things.