Thursday, October 16, 2008

Entry Five - Open Space & Poli

I woke up today to a very odd sensation. Not being woken up. In fact I felt more refreshed than I had in ages and wondered how long it was that I'd slept. It was only then that I happened to notice that I had a very large brown suited puppy dog hogging my covers and curled up in the feotal position on the opposite side of my bed. Well,we did have an eventful day yesterday, overthrowing coup fascist governments and all, but with the Doctor that's almost par for course. And I don't think that I've ever caught him sleeping before. I thought I did once in the library but I took one step and he was obviously awake again, he said he was just resting his eyes.

But this was good old fashioned proper sleeping. Really, there was drool, and... he was sort of sucking his thumb, which was just interminably cute.

Moved around as quietly as I could and sort of peered at him, admittedly getting my face a little too close to his, but I was amused! I would have poked him if I had not wanted to wake him so well. But it turned out all my carefulness was for moot cause after a moment, without even opening his eyes he goes; "Rose, what are you doing?"

I sat back on my knees. "Oh, I thought you were sleeping," I said.

"So you thought it'd be fun to stare at me while I did it."

"I don't know," I said, but really I knew that yeah that's exactly what I had been doing and had intended to do, I just didn't know why. "I just don't see you sleep all that much. And, well, you are in my bed. Why are you in my bed?"

He sat up a bit resting his weight on his bent elbows and looked around, as if to make sure he was indeed in my bed, in my room. "I don't know," he said, "that's funny. I must've, well, you know, sometimes I come in here, okay that sounds creepy, I just mean, make sure you're okay. So to speak."

I laughed, I was far past being weirded out by the Doctor being in my room while I'm sleeping. He does wake me up almost every morning, and we've never been too big on personal space. "Toast and jam?" I said and he got his very excited little face on, "Toast and jam."

We decided, over toast and jam, clearly, that it should be a do nothing day. We weren't going to land the TARDIS at all. No planets. As might've been illustrated in my earlier post re: getting lost, there are plenty of adventures to be had right on the TARDIS. And despite popular belief, we don't save worlds everyday. The Doctor went through the cupboard and discovered a medley of exotic fruits (he went on and on about something called Maugnini) which looked fresh so we cut them up and had a sort of fruit salad. He only put a half portion of Maugnini in mine cause he said a very potent liquor was distilled from it and eating a whole portion would make me just a bit tipsy.

Well I am not sure what his definition of 'just a bit tipsy' is but I am willing to bet a whole portion would've made me flat out pissed, as I was definitely tipsy over the half portion. And looking at him I could tell he was too, even though he went on and on about his superior Time Lord physiology again. He got flushed, and his pupils were a bit dilated, and he got even more talky than usual (I know!). But it was good, the fruit, it tasted a bit like chocolate and caramel combined. We both made a note to buy more sometime later.

After that then, being tipsy as we were, we ran through the corridors of the TARDIS... or more accurately: I punched the Doctor in the arm and he went to get me back and I ran through the corridors of the TARDIS being chased. Until I pulled open a door and ran back into my room. Sadly for me the Doctor was right behind and punched me, rather hard, in the arm to get me back. Then we decided to jump on the bed.

Then we played the Wardrobe Game, which I coined shortly after visiting Cardiff in 1869, right after I'd first SEEN the wardrobe. Basically it consists of me trying on an absurd amount of outfits. This was my favourite one:

The Doctor said that he'd have to take us back to Victorian days again if I was going to wear an outfit like that, and I reminded him that we weren't allowed back in Victorian England, to which he promptly reminded me that Earth is a big planet, full of civilisations.

After that we were pretty much not tipsy any more so we decided to up to the console room and do things that we do on do nothing days. Mainly, he'd fix bits of the TARDIS and I'd read trashy magazines from systems where the gossip was especially juicy.

But eventually, not surprisingly really, we both got a bit hungry and decided to break our "no landing" rule. I said that I fancied something like pasta, but not pasta and not the pasta we'd had a couple of months ago where the sauce was something a cat regurgitated (a fact that I was unaware of until halfway through the meal). So we went to a system called Poli where the pasta was orange and the sauce a green paste, but delicious.

Afterwards we went out on the street where people were having some sort of Winter festival with hot punch and pie (the Doctor's two favourite words I think). We stuck round to listen to the singing, which was terribly off key and grating to my ears but everyone else seemed to think it beautiful and the Doctor said I had to take other cultures and tastes into account. I did. We soaked up some Polian culture, and then we had someone take our photo. He took it before we were ready but here it is anyway:

Once we got back to the TARDIS. I casually mentioned that it'd been awhile since I'd seen my mum. His expression then was not so happy. I laughed.

Until next time.


HelenW said...

This one was just so much fun -- from beginning to end. Ace! Loved it. Well written too. (by the way, love her costumed; I have a picture of her in that costume on my myspace page). :)

This made my day.


rosefromearth said...

Yay I love Do Nothing Days!

The Doctor said...

Rose..yeah..I love our adventures, they're tremendously...well interesting..

((I love your writing skill)