Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Entry Three - England (1815)

Well, as I am sure you have noticed if you are reading this lovely little blog of mine it seems that I was hacked by a certain over sugared (old) man-child of a companion of mine. That's the last time I will ever say that phrase, I promise, because I love him really. I will however not erase the post as it is rather hilarious.

And to answer your question helenw he's traipsing in my room practically every morning because he's an impatient little alien who needs infinitely less sleep that us mere humans and therefore wakes me up. That photo was from when he decided to pretend there was a rogue Dalek rolling around the TARDIS. I soooo didn't believe him. As to what he does while I'm sleeping? I have no idea, but we have got a rather impressive library, plus, well, TARDIS repair.


On to todays adventure. After careful deliberation I decided it'd been too long since we'd taken a spin into the past. I mean, really, I just look far too fabulously good in old fashioned clothes not to visit every once in awhile. So I figured, who'd be someone fantastic to meet from the past? Oh, obviously, Jane Austen. So, we took a spin round to 1815 just, apparently, after she'd finished writing Emma. And okay, it's not like I'm the biggest reader on the planet. I mean, well we're just not going to get into my education. But I am a big fan of Colin Firth and I really liked Kate Winslet in Sense and Sensibility. Well, I've seen all the films (and that doesn't make me stupid Mr. Know It All and Read It All now that I know you actually read this).

Anyway, I got all dolled up like this:

This was the Doctor's new look:

What?! No different you say? Well, okay, I lost my bid to make him actually change his clothing (you know I'd be secretly disappointed if he did).

Anyway, we had some lovely chats and played a nice game of bowls before some Yegaltites tried to take over the world and the Doctor had to rig up a contraption to suck them into a, very primitive looking (well it was 1815 we can't expect miracles) vacuum cleaner. Worked out well since Yegaltites can transport to and from anywhere they please (withing 300 meters) by turning themselves into smoke. Smoke is very easy to vacuum.

Jane, who was lovely even though she looked nothing like Anne Hathaway and there was no James McAvoy in sight, took it all very well. She really is brilliant. She's quite unimposing and says that she likes to keep herself quite hidden from public view, which I can sort of understand, and has ink stains permanently on her fingers. She was rather fascinated with my camera and the idea of a blog, but opted not to let me take her photo. The Doctor said that was probably best as I didn't want to inadvertantly rip a hole in space and time (I think he was just being a bit overdramatic). So here's a painting of the lady found on the internet:

Later, when we were back on the TARDIS the Doctor set course for Yegalt and we returned the pesky Yegaltites back where they belong. Which turned out to be brilliant as they were escaped convicts and we ended up getting a reward. Paid in full with banana tea cakes (you know who's idea) and chips (yay!).

Until next time.


HelenW said...

I luvvv the pictures of you (always so gorgeous) and the doctor...I've never seen that picture of him before; he looks quite mischievous -- were you two getting in trouble again?

And you met Jane Austen. I'm so jealous.


rosefromearth said...

We're always getting into trouble! That's what makes time and space so much fun!