Sunday, October 12, 2008

Entry Five - Bovinga

Well I had a very weird couple of days, and when I say weird, I mean weird.

We stopped at a planet called Bovinga in the NGC 1300 galaxy, apparently the constellation of Eridanus (I get fed all kind of information). Apparently they have some very nice architecture that the Doctor wanted to show me, very tall and spiraly and all that, but the moment we set the TARDIS down, with it’s usual bumps and jolts along the way, the lights in the console room went red. And I mean red.

The time rotor was groaning like she wanted to leave and the humming in the back of my head got a bit louder. Even the Doctor looked confused. But if you know us at all, which I am assuming you might, you’ll know that we’re not exactly the type to take the safe route. Despite the TARDIS telling us that we needed to leave, and now, we went outside anyway.

Everything looked completely normal and felt completely normal. In fact it seemed like we’d landed in the middle of some sort of farmers market. They had all kinds of things, some of the weirdest vegetables I’d ever seen. In brilliant colours, I wanted to touch them all. But when I looked back at the Doctor I cold tell that there was something, indeed, wrong. Very wrong. All the colour had drained from his face and he looked like he was paralysed to the spot, unsure of whether to go back to the TARDIS immediately or continue on. It freaked me out a bit. He took about one step closer to me before he was practically accosted by an insane ginger human looking woman:

She went on with something like this: “It’s about time you turned back up; I’ve been looking for the TARDIS everywhere! You know better than to wander off when we’re at space bazaars!”

I stared, but her back was to me, and the Doctor stared. It was plainly obvious that he’d never met her before, but that didn’t really mean anything he is a time traveller after all. But then it got really weird when a moment later the Doctor opened his mouth to say something to the ginger woman and was interrupted by a very shrill but very familiar voice shouting “What, by Rassilon, are you doing here,” and there was the Doctor, again, looking much the same but wearing a very ill advised blue suit. They stared at each other and it suddenly made a lot of sense. The TARDIS not wanting to land and all.

The ginger woman looked just about as confused as I did, but she’s obviously a perceptive one cause she looked around and spotted me almost right away and said “Who’re you?” And then suddenly there were three pairs of eyes on me.

Now, I have seen a lot of things in this universe, and I like to think that my powers of deduction are good enough to figure out what was going on. Given the fact that the Doctor, my Doctor (the one I arrived with henceforth known at Doctor 1), didn’t recognise this woman meant it was in his future. The fact that she was with Doctor 2 meant that she was likely his companion. I asked him about aging once, his aging specifically, and he said that he does get older but a bit slower than humans. I wondered if this was him after I’d died, and if it was… how long was that?

Doctor 1 was looking at me like he always did, like ‘well this is Rose, we travel together’, the woman was looking at me curiously, and Doctor 2 looked like he’d suddenly and inexplicably turned into a wax statue like those ones at Madame Tussauds. I didn’t know what else to say, so I said, “I’m called Rose, Rose Tyler.”

And then the woman’s eyes got all big and she whipped around to look at her wax figurine friend and me and Doctor 1 both looked at them curiously. Doctor 2 opened his mouth, probably to say something, but all that came out was a little ‘eep’, and it was kind of funny, but I could tell that there was nothing funny to neither him nor ginger woman.

Said wax statue:

Actually… this story’s got quite long, more tomorrow shall we say?


HelenW said...

Ooooohhh intriguing. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

HelenW said...

I love how you have like five-million tags to your posts. And they're so funny.

Rose Tyler -- you rock my world.

TheImpossibleArachne said...

Donna...That's happened to me once and I was confused..The Doctor seemed tramatized..
I can't wait to