Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I feel a bit remiss in my hacking obligations. Not to say that they're obligations given the fact that I am not, well, obligated to hack into Rose's blog. But it is a little fun every once in awhile especially with how that much girl sleeps. It's too bad the Nyklus sleep too. Oh well. Oh, this is the Doctor by the way.

She, meaning, obviously, Rose, seems to be lagging in her blog posting too. Probably because she's having too much fun gossiping and ganging up on me with Ariella Lavizsia. But, some things.

1) Rose seems overly interested in discovering the the identity of a one Romanadvoratrelundar, who... I obviously never call that. She keeps dropping hints and asking. I think I am going to run a scan and see if Romana ever created a blog and jigger and poke her computer into letting her read it.

2) Rose seems insistent upon continually putting herself in danger. Now, I do realise that our particular lifestyle tends to lend itself to a certain amount of... well, danger. But there's no reason to put unnecessary emphasis on it. Kalab Ting was one thing, it wasn't her fault (just highly typical) that she fell through a weak spot in the flooring and got herself infected with Marwovies disease, but Jacowitz is another matter all together. The worst bit is she doesn't seem to think that she did anything stupid. Perhaps you, whoever you are (HelenW? Heather Little perhaps? It's not all 'Dalek Swan Lake' you know), can convince her otherwise.

c) She soooo fancies that Kit fellow.

d) Jackie Tyler needs to keep a collection of bananas at all times. Just in case. That's right, you heard me. You might do well with one yourself, they say potassium is quite good for elderly Earth women.

e) I am very good at karaoke, I will have you know.

f) I wasn't holding her face, Helen, I was squishing it so that she could move her mouth in the correct way to say the 'sssss' in Istamsislutinrev.

Anyway, though, I've just found a circuit held together with a red jelly baby, I don't want to know how long that's been like that. Off to fixity fix fix.

Cheerio! (see!? said I'd say that more often)

1 comment:

HelenW said...

Doctor -- or Rose -- or both --

Rose, I must admit the doctor is right. You need not risk your neck (literally) at every instance. I say, every other month mayhap, if absolutely necessary. No more getting infected with Marwovies disease. It doesn't sound pleasant.

Thank you for the clarification. Much obliged. And now I need another: who is Kit, pray tell?

And lastly,

If you ever visit me in 21st century London -- or America -- I promise to have a vast supply of bananas at hand.


-- Helen