Friday, December 5, 2008

Entry Twenty-one - Earth (Ealing)

Several things to address this post.

1) I don't walk around trying to get myself into trouble. I could say a lot more on this subject but I wont, simply for the purpose that the Doctor reads this and will probably freak out if I describe myself just slightly more important than a red shirt, but there it is. He would do anything for anyone and I find it a bit absurd when he has a problem when I do the same.

2) Slightly... less depressingly, HelenW, Kit was the bloke on that ship above Jacowitz who helped out saving things. I didn't fancy him.

3) I am feeling the need to find out everything about Romanadvoratrelundar.

4) Not all days are adventuresome. Well... adventuresome, yes, not dangerous adventuresome. We had some camera fun the other day.

Here's the Doctor when we hid outside the TARDIS and then knocked:

Here's Ariella when we found a spun sugar bottle in the TARDIS's wardrobe. They break easily and it was hilarious:

And here's me after I stole the Doctor's spectacles. They're not actually prescription by the way, he just wears them to look more clever (like he needs that):

Then we were talking about all the people who we'd met throughout travels and how most of them we never see again, ever, and the subject of Sarah Jane Smith came up. We were talking about how brilliant she is and how she investigates and fights alien threats without guns and everything just like us. Ariella said she'd be glad to meet her someday and the Doctor decided this was the day and put in the coordinates.

He materialised the TARDIS straight in Sarah-Jane's garden. And what do we find? She wasn't in, which I suppose is not all that surprising, she is awfully busy as far as I know and it's not as if we called ahead. So we hung around in the garden for a bit, Ariella looked at her star some more and the Doctor and I assessed the neighborhood. Her house is HUGE, she must do very well for herself. Here's a photo I snapped.

But then, of course, the Doctor got bored and soniced his way inside and started making tea. Ariella and I were horrified. Ariella wasn't even entirely sure of all the Earth customs but Jacowitz isn't all that different when it comes to manners and she could deduct that it was certainly not polite to break into someone's house. The Doctor assured us it was okay though because apparently Sarah Jane had broken into the TARDIS. I thought that very impressive (that she'd actually managed to break in to the TARDIS and thought her even more brilliant than I had before... which is hard to do). So we made toast and tea and the Doctor was fiddling with the television's remote control doing something, when Sarah Jane came running into the kitchen with a poker from her fireplace. We all sort of paused at the same time. I hadn't previously been aware that she was home but the Doctor didn't look all that bothered.

"Doctor?!" Sarah Jane said and then dropped the poker, "Rose!"

I smiled and then got up for hugs. "I'm sorry," I said, "he broke in. I tried to protest, this is Ariella, she protested too." I introduced the two.

"I did say it wasn't goodbye," the Doctor said abandoning his remote control project and hugging Sarah Jane. After her initial shock she seemed very pleased to see us.

I'm not going to relay the whole conversation and visit like I sometimes do, mostly because this visit wasn't exciting or adventuresome or death defying. It was just pleasant, which I think sometimes the Doctor needs. I was really upset when I first realised that I wasn't the first person to travel with the Doctor and I certainly wouldn't be the last. I do have a terrible jealousy problem sometimes, it's not my finest attribute it's just... it's difficult to go from believing you're important to someone to realising that you might not be that special after all. But what upset me the most was that he never mentioned anyone else. I don't want to be forgotten.

He's gotten better though, I met Sarah Jane and thought she was brilliant, and I know about Romana and Susan and Ace and Grace and a myriad of other people who have graced the TARDIS console room and I guess the thing that I have to... come to grips with, so to speak, is that we're all special. And right now, it's me. Plus I don't really get the impression that he's going to just dump me off someday. I don't know, I just don't. But, I'm sure Sarah Jane felt the same way.

Anyway, she took us up to her attic where she said she kept all her stuff and we looked around, the Doctor seemed impressed with her collection but said to watch out for this crystal thing that she had building itself a computer. It was apparently some sort of sentient thing called a Xylok and he said they could be tricky.

She also opened this little safe thing she had and there was K-9 floating around in space, we all stared.

"How did you manage that? It practically defies physics!" the Doctor asked, it was literally like a little portal to a black hole K-9 was stablising or something.

"Greetings Master!" K-9 said, so he could apparently hear us, and then he called me "Mistress Rose," and I nearly squeed. The he rattled off a very complicated sounding explanation as to how there was a portal into space in Sarah Jane's attic and how he'd done it. I was still confused but the Doctor said that was brilliant. Ari just kept staring at the metal dog, and a Jacowitzian pendant she'd found across the room.

Then we all decided we were a bit hungry so we went out for a Chinese and then went to Sainbury's to stock up on supplies (we were almost out of biscuits and the milk had gone sour and we didn't have any jam that the Doctor hadn't stuck his fingers in). I got a bottle of this new soft drink called Bubble Shock but I thought it was rubbish. Apparently it's very popular.

Then there were hugs again and we climbed back into the TARDIS, Sarah Jane declined to come once again saying she had a lot going on with her life now and she couldn't just leave it like she once had. She tried to give Ari the Jacowitzian pendant back but Ari insisted that she keep it. She said it was a protection symbol and if Sarah Jane insisted upon being almost as reckless as the Doctor than she'd certainly need it. We all laughed at that. Then Sarah Jane went back to 13 Bannerman Rd and we went back into the Vortex.

Ari said she was well knackered, though not in those words I think she said something like "I'm quite tired now, if you don't mind I'll retire", and went to her room. I was tired too but I stayed in the console room for a bit, cause the Doctor looked a bit... well he looked a bit depressed actually. I wondered if seeing Sarah Jane had had the opposite effect from what I thought it should have. I'd wanted him to realise how well he'd done her and that he'd always have so many friends out there somewhere but maybe it hadn't.

I opened my mouth to ask him if he was okay but he spoke first, "I'm not going to forget you, you know. I don't forget any of them, couldn't."

I looked at him confused a moment, yeah I'd been thinking those things but I was fairly sure that I hadn't said them aloud, but then I realised. Ariella must've heard my thoughts and told him. I know that she tries very hard not to listen in on my thoughts or the Doctor's thoughts, but it must be very hard for her, and I know she can't always shut it off. I wasn't angry at all.

I sighed, "I know."

He opened his mouth again but then closed it again and I found myself half wondering what he was going to say and half realising it didn't matter at all. There'd always be things we never said. And that was fine. Someday I was going to die. Someday, he'd regenerate again. But that's not worth thinking of, it's too depressing. I am not sure anyone could live thinking about those things, not even 900 + year old Time Lords. Instead we just smiled again, not even forced mind, and hugged, like we do. And the TARDIS, apparently not wanting to be left out from our camera fun before, took a photo (bit blurry but we have to give her certain concessions):

I was pretty knackered myself then, but I decided I'd stay up anyway. We were both feeling Christmassy so I brought my (garish as he says) pink duvet from my room and we snuggled into the jumpseat and watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas on the monitor.

Until next time.

1 comment:

HelenW said...

Awww, I just loved this one :)