Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Entry Eighteen - Earth

After a very eventful trip to a space station with time windows and Madame de Pompadour the Doctor figured there was a need to show me how to get the TARDIS home. The programme had always been there, of course, and he’d activated it one time but it wasn’t something that I knew how to do myself. He showed me which buttons to press and which lever to crank. I listened and I demonstrated when he asked me to do it for him but my heart wasn’t really in it. I sort of always figured that if he couldn’t be driving the TARDIS than I wouldn’t really be either.

At this precise moment, I was very glad that I’d paid attention. Up popped his holographic image of himself speaking to me and whir when the time rotor but I was already back towards the door where Ariella had stayed with the Doctor. He was breathing normal and his one heartbeat was steady, but that didn’t stop me from worrying about the lack of the second. I wondered if Time Lords could survive with one heart, and… uh, I hate to write this down because I think that probably he will read it and not be very happy, but I didn’t want him to have to regenerate. I mean, I know that he’s the same but… it’s not.

But anyway, the TARDIS seemed to understand the urgency of the matter and so we went hurtling through the Time Vortex faster than I had in a long while. It was an exceedingly bumpy ride, which I couldn’t tell if it was good or not, I had two thoughts, keep the Doctor safe, and land somewhere quickly, the two were hardly mutually exclusive. And then suddenly the whole TARDIS sort of tipped and it felt very much like we’d just crashed into something. Everything in the console room shifted, the three of us were thrown, and then it was still.

Ariella picked herself up, and looked at me with wide eyes, “Where are we?” she asked, and I bit my lip.


Ariella visibly blanched and I had to stifle a laugh that was hardly appropriate. “Home?” she asked, “As in, Earth, as in…” her voice got very low, “Jackie Tyler?”

“Don’t believe a word he’s said,” I told her and then looped an arm around the Doctor and indicated to Ariella to do the same on the other side. We opened the door and went out.

And there, quite to my surprise, was Mickey running down the road to meet me. I blinked, “Mickey?!” I said and he grinned.

“Yeah it’s me, what’s happened? I didn’t expect you back so soon and then I heard the TARDIS. What’s happened to him?” he looked a bit wide eyed, and then helped.

“Mickey,” I was a bit dumbfounded. It wasn’t so long ago that I’d seen him. Of course I’d seen him last when we left him behind on a parallel universe never expecting to see him again. If I hadn’t been supporting the Doctor I would’ve hugged him. “When is it?”

“February 3rd.”

Oh. So… well, he didn’t seem to not recognise the Doctor so it was clearly after that Christmas, just after it would seem. That was a bit weird. We’d never done that before. All trips home were done linearly, time-wise. The Doctor said it was easily on mum that way, which made sense to me, but this was different, the Doctor wasn’t piloting the TARDIS and now we’d, well… I supposed that it didn’t matter all that much really. And it was quite a help that Mickey was there to help with the Doctor, actually. I wondered if the TARDIS had done that on purpose.

Between the three of us it wasn’t too hard to get the Doctor upstairs. Mum was just sitting there reading a magazine on the couch watching telly and apparently hadn’t heard all the ruckus of us coming up the stairs. She jumped up, ran over, and helped us get him to the couch. I explained what had happened, leaving out the bits where I was about to be a slave and had, well, willingly sacrificed myself. She got all mother hen in the way that she does. She got a cold flannel and pressed it to his forehead and everything before switching on the kettle for the rest of us.

“I don’t reckon he can drink any tea in that condition,” she said, coming back into the room and adjusting her hoodie, “but do you think it’d help?” Then, “This isn’t gonna become a habit with this one, is it?”

I was collecting the mugs for the tea and paused for a moment, yeah, well if this was February then it meant that the last time they’d seen us the Doctor’d been all laid up too. I peered around into the hall and noticed the nearly repaired doorway into mum’s room. “Mum,” I said, “we’ve been here, in between Christmas and now, that was ages ago.”

Mum looked confused for a moment, and then just said, “Oh.” And I felt badly because I could tell she was thinking about all the things in my life that she’d never know and probably never understand. But then she turned her attention to Ariella whose eyes got very wide at mum’s attentions. Previously she’d only asked briefly who she was and I’d practically barked “Ariella!”, but now she was giving the Nyklus Queen a proper once over. “So, who’s this then, properly?” she said, forcing on a cheery smile and changing the subject completely. I returned to the room.

“Mum, Mickey, this is Ariella Lavizsia, she’s Queen of a planet called Jacowitz, Ariella, mum – Jackie, and Mickey,” I said with a gesture of my hand.

Ariella smiled, quite demurely and politely but looked a bit like she wanted, more than anything to flee to the TARDIS for safety. “It’s lovely to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about-”

Mum’s eyes sort of bugged out, “Queen?! You’re telling me we’ve got royalty in our home? No warning, just popping in, nothing in the cupboards and the place not even tidied!”

I nearly laughed, but didn’t. “Mum, it’s not like we had time to phone ahead or anything.”

“Well I know, sweetheart, but-”

“Really,” Ariella broke in with her calming voice, and even though she spoke softly we all turned towards her, “I don’t need anything special, I-”

“But, your majesty,” I almost cringed as mum spoke, “I can send Rose out, or Mickey, I’ll send Mickey I wouldn’t want to leave you all alone without someone you know, and he’s…” she guestured towards the Doctor, “well, he’s well knackered it’d seem, we can get some cakes or something. And the good tea in the boxes, you know the ones Mickey, slides open? And you’ll have to get something I can cook, we’ve just got leftover Chinese in and I couldn’t possibly serve takeaway to royalty, and-”

“Blimey, Jackie, don’t you ever shut up?”

All four of our heads spun around back towards the Doctor who was still lying on the couch, but now his eyes were open and he was his spectacles which were hanging a bit funny.

“Doctor!” Ariella cried and nearly flung herself on the side of the couch in a very good impersonation of Florence Nightingale.

“Hello,” he said smiling at her, and I went round to the end of the couch, he made a show out of looking round, “Well I see you paid attention to the Emergency Protocol One tutorial,” he said to me in a voice far too cheery for the fact that he’d just been unconscious for the greater part of an hour. Then again, he was the Doctor, and he tended to do that.

I grinned back, “I did,” I said, “how are you? Your heart wasn’t working, is it better now?” I almost reached forward and rested my hand on his chest to see but didn’t.

“Oh, fine, you know, just a bit sore.” And then he went on talking about everything and nothing at the same time. Remarking on mum’s hairstyle, the presence of Mickey (he shot me a glance at that but seemed satisfied that I’d not told him anything about his future), apologising to Ariella for having to meet my mum (Mum and I ‘Oi!’ed at the same time). And his heart was back to normal. I could have cried from relief. But I didn’t.

Then mum came back with the tea and passed it round to everyone. Ariella seemed to have gotten a bit more comfortable and mum had stopped falling all over her (maybe it was the way the Doctor and I were treating her like we always treated her, like a normal person) and the Doctor was happily sipping his tea while we all listened to Ariella recount the last Sontaran invasion. For about ten minutes it looked like all the drama was over for the day.

“Rose,” the Doctor said and I looked at him all smiles until I caught the expression on his face. “Rose, what did you give me, when I was out, you gave me some sort of medicine or something, what was it?”

Nothing so far as I knew. I racked my brain, Ariella gave me a concerned look, again. I shook my head, “No, nothing.”

“Oh, yeah, well that was me,” Mum said seemingly just catching wise to the conversation. All three of us whipped our heads round to her. “Well it was just a bit of children’s stuff, he said he was sore and Suze left a bit of stuff over when she was here last with little Terese.” We all continued to stare. “All right I’ll go and get it!” she said and then got up to the kitchen. By the time she got back the Doctor was practically purple and had already activated his respiratory bypass. “My god! What’s happened to him!?” she cried holding up the bottle, “it’s just Acetylsalicylic Acid!”

Mickey was on his feet crossing his arms and looking very confused, he made a face and half shrugged, “That’s just aspirin.”

The Doctor’s eyes got very wide and Ariella and I gaped at mum and Mickey. “Aspirin?!” we said at the same time. Then I finished, “Mum, he’s allergic to aspirin!”

Her hands flew to her mouth and I could tell how apologetic she was, I shouldn’t have been cross cause she was just trying to help but I could hardly help it. This whole thing was really bending my nerves and my stomach sort of churned with worry, actually I was starting to feel nauseous. But the Doctor sort of launched himself off the couch and grabbed the bottle from mum at a full pounce and examined the label. Then he made some sort of noise that sounded like he was being strangled. Mickey ran and got him a sheet of A4 and an old nibby pencil from my room, and I had to give him props for understanding what it was that the Doctor needed.

“Epi Pen!” Mum shouted.

“Have we got an epi pen?” I asked, confused, not thinking it would do much good anyway.

“Hospital?!” she said once she realised we did not have an epi pen.

“Mum!” She was quiet after that and the Doctor scribbled on the paper holding it out for us to read. “Potassium, sugar, Vitamin C, zinc… we’re supposed to find these things?” He nodded vigorously. “Mum! Have we got bananas?” She shook her head. I gaped, even the Doctor was still, he grabbed the paper back, flipped it over and wrote in large letters; ‘NO?!’

“Well, I said, we’ve nothing in!”

Ariella jumped up from the couch and ran, out the door, slamming it behind her. I hardly noticed, “Okay, orange juice then?” Mum ran into the kitchen and came back with an almost full container, which the Doctor hastily drank, and then actually looked a bit better. I checked the list, “Have we got zinc mum?” she had already brought in the sugar.

“Zinc?! Why would we have zinc?”

“For colds and stuff, you know, it’s meant to make you better!” She looked a little helpless, I turned back to the Doctor, “What has zinc?!”

He seemed to be able to push a bit of air through his throat, at last, and managed some words. “It’s in a lot of metal things, I don’t know, oysters!” I looked at mum, she shook her head, “They use it too coat pills in the future, Rose, you know what I’m talking about!”

“Pills,” I said, wracking my brain, wondering if we had any of that stuff in the TARDIS, probably, I wondered- “And food supplement pills?” he nodded, and I fished in my pockets. “Like desert pellets?!” I asked extracting the large amount of them that I’d pilfered from the Antalusian ship. Apparently, yes, cause he grabbed them and downed about ten in eight seconds.

This time when he spoke it was a little more clearly, “Sugar, and potassium, where’s my coat?”

I started towards the door. As far as I knew his coat was in the TARDIS, he hadn’t been wearing it before and I could see it in my minds eye thrown over the coral columns, but before I even had a chance to open the door Ariella bust in toting a huge box of banana donuts. “Potassium and sugar!” she said, breathlessly, she’d obviously run. The Doctor waved her over and grabbed a donut, and shoved it in his face. By the time he’d finished his third he was quite back to normal, but no one begrudged him a fourth.

Then, he, quite calmly, picked up his tea cup and washed the contents down the kitchen sink. Before grabbing the children’s aspirin bottle, walking to the balcony and tossing it down into the courtyard below. He didn’t tell me at the time, but thank god it was children’s aspirin. When he came back he smiled, hands tucked into his pockets and started rocking on the balls of his feet and said, “Right then, who wants tea?”

1 comment:

HelenW said...

I think this was my favourite "adventure" yet :)