Saturday, January 2, 2010

Entry Thirty - Earth, Jacowitz, Eagle Nebula

I'm terrible. I know. I might have even forgotten I had a blog. Well, that's not entirely true, but like anything the shiny newness wore off and I was left with the thought that I HAD to post after a rather strenuous day of running from antlered alien creatures. That's a general example, not a specific one. Actually, I don't think we've run into any antlers for quite some time. Anyway, that's not the point; the point is that I forgot to write down my adventures because I was too busy having them. I'm going to try and improve, but I really can't make any promises. The real reason I've logged back on is because the Doctor hacked me again, and then told me about it. I thought I really should post.

So anyway, I will try and run down a few things we've done lately.

It's funny but before the Doctor jiggered and poked my computer into allowing me to stay on time with my superphone (ie, in my mum's time) it tells me when it's holiday and the date and everything. Mostly it's completely pointless but every once in awhile it's nice to know that Christmas is coming up. I mean, of course we can have Christmas whenever we want. And we do, quite honestly we have Christmas probably about eight times a year. I think the Doctor likes presents, but then again... who doesn't? Once we had Christmas for practically a week straight. It. was. BRILLIANT. But when Christmas comes round for you lot I always sort of get nostalgic for a good old Christmas. So, I packed up all my laundry and the Doctor begrudgingly took me back to the Powell Estate. I had to promise Jaffa cakes. He loves Jaffa cakes. Not as much as Jacowitzian banana doughnuts, but still.

We didn't land on Christmas though, which was fine cause it ended up being New Years. Not New Years Eve, just New Years day. Which is... not as thrilling but still sort of a nice time to make a visit. Mum complained endlessly cause she said she had nothing in, which is pretty much what she says every time. But... well we didn't have any Jaffa cakes, which didn't make SOME people very happy (he sulked for an hour). But then Keisha came by and begged me to come out with her and Shareen and both of their blokes. I sort of wanted to and sort of didn't, but I thought I should cause I never see my friends anymore and I was never the anti-social type. She said hello to the Doctor and asked him to come along but he pretended to be very engrossed in the telly, which he obviously was not.

It was a pretty typical night at the pub so there's nothing all that great to report there. Except I just joined Twitter (@Rambling_Rosie) not to long ago and the Doctor's on now too (@BBCDoctor) so we were tweeting back and forth at each other since he couldn't remember where the chippy was. Keisha said I'm obsessed with him, which is an unfair assessment really. I mean... honestly he's pretty much everything in my life. It's a sort of isolated way of living, travelling around forever. But you see amazing things, and I could never get bored of the Doctor. But I agreed to put the superphone away.

When I got home there was a bag of chips waiting for me.

Then we decided to go visit Queen Ariella for a day. I know she's awfully busy but she always manages to make time for us. Really all we did was talk out on her palace grounds, which are extensive and full of the lushest grass you've ever seen. It's like walking on shag carpet. She had a picnic brought out and we got those brilliant sandwiches and she packed the TARDIS freezer room with banana doughnuts. Oh, and we brought her a chocolate castle and chocolate bubbles which we ate in a spare room that she assured us didn't matter when it got dirty. Well, can we help it if chocolate bubbles are extremely difficult to eat? They're like regular blowing bubbles expect you then chase them around and eat them. They're well fun, really.

Then we decided to take a spin to the Eagle Nebula and watched the Hubble Space telescope take photos of the Pillars of Creation:

Space never looks real in photographs. Planets always look a bit two dimensional. I asked the Doctor once why that way and he explained it had something to do with re-fractional light or something. I really didn't quite understand but that happens sometimes. Still, the photos are beautiful, so you can probably imagine what it looks like in person.

I will write down a new adventure soon, I do promise. I like keeping a blog, it's just a matter of making the time for it. There's got to be a few breaks in save worlds, right? Anyway. That's all for now. See you soon!

Until next time.

1 comment:

HelenW said...

yay! you're blogging again. I have to find you on twitter.