Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hacking, yet again...

Well, well, well. It feels like years since I've done this. Hello Rose-blog readers. I secretly like reading Rose's blogs too, to be honest, because it reminds me how brilliant I am. Which, let's face it, is pretty brilliant. ....

So, it seems Rose hasn't updated in a while. I do apologise for that, but when you have an amazing time travelling companion such as myself to spend your every day with, you end up either a) losing track of time or b) running out of time for things such as blogging. Let's face it, both happened to Rose.....

She promises to update soon. Probably. She always promises to update. Just like she always promises to call Jackie and forgets.....

To be fair to her, she did recently get me back on Earth, visiting Jackie. I was bribed. With Jaffa Cakes. Which I never received. Quite frankly, from now on, I'm taking payment up front. We arrived back and Jackie decided to snog me. Again. I have nothing against Jackie, really, but when she snogs me... not a good moment in my life.....

Anyway, so Rose went out that night, having been dragged out by Keisha and Shareen and left me alone, Jaffa cake-less and with Jackie. So of course I retreated to the TARDIS after dropping in on my friend Barbara who runs the chippy around the corner and up a bit.....

I didn't hold it against her of course. And we're currently on our way to visit the lovely Ariella, unannounced, just for funsies. ... Never saying 'funsies' again. ....

TTYN (Rose has had me watching Paris Hilton's British Best Friend. Not impressed)....

Oh, this is the Doctor by the way.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No comments?
How can this have no comments!
Surely....hacks should get the most comments!