Sunday, January 25, 2009

Entry Twenty-six- Bolomo

I know I'm rubbish, scold me it may make me proactive enough to post more often. But you try not being distracted while travelling in time and space!

Anyway, we headed out to the Vendala Cluster to watch one of the the stars turn supernova. I do accept that I'm not all that scientific-y but I must admit I was a bit wary about it, exploding stars don't seem like the place you'd like to picnic, but of course the Doctor assured me it was just fine, or 'more than fine it's brilliant!'. But apparently this particular supernova wouldn't be discovered to have occurred for over three hundred years, and then only because it would cause the creation of a whole new cluster itself. I asked how that worked if we were seeing it now, but he said tht we didn't count since we were only seeing it cause we knew about it after the fact, and that it'd be an abuse of our position as time travellers. But he said it was okay to tell mum and to blog about it since you lot are in the Vendala Cluster's past. Fancy that, I watched a star die today that wouldn't even have been born yet in the year I'm supposed to be living. It's all a bit timey wimey but I took a photo, here it is:

It was beautiful. Just space, as if 'just space' really exists, one moment and then the whole thing, well... expanded.

The TARDIS sort of blew sideways and we were both thrown to the side with the TARDIS door open. It was like the TARDIS was on water and we were going down a slide. Like what I'd imagine it'd be like going over a waterfall in a barrel. It was brilliant and gorgeous and a million different adjectives that I simply can not describe.

But after that we thought it'd be a good idea to go somewhere to land, the poor TARDIS did get a bit of a jostle and even though she'd very versatile we don't want to irritate her... she's rather important... and it was definitely time to find some sort of trouble. So we stuck her on randomise cause sometimes I'm convinced that the Doctor's seen everything but he magically sees it all again for the first time through my eyes. But on randomise we never know where we might end up, neither of us, so when we open the TARDIS door there could be anything on the other side. And that's a brilliant feeling, exhilarating.

This time when we opened the door we were in the middle of this great big grassy field just randomly sat there with no one else around. Nothing in the sky, nothing on the streets, and there were streets. Nothing just this gigantic looking factory type thing:

So, well... where else were we going to go? The factory thing was all but empty, it looked like thousands of people should have been working this thing but it all but empty. There wasn't a single soul inside so far as I could see. There was tonnes of equipment around and stuff, and the Doctor started going through it, all proper like, spectacles on and everything. I wandered into an adjoining room to do a bit of my own investigation. The whole room was covered in mirrors, which caused kind of a brilliant effect with thousands of Rose Tylers reflecting at me. And there was this sort of hospital bed in the middle of the room. Well I say hospital bed but it was really a sort of cot with IVs set up near it. It was a bit weird really, but I figured that this must be some sort of experimental facility, which could either be kind of cool or kind of terrifying. I tried on cool, but just then the Doctor practically ran into the room and grabbed my hand.

"I know where we are, Rose, I'll explain on the TARDIS, but we have to go, now."

Well I wasn't going to argue that, when the Doctor says we have to flee then we really have to flee, even if I didn't know what it was or what was going on the look on his face was enough to tell me that we needed going now. I just nodded and we both started running for the exit.

And we were about halfway across the main factory area when everything just went black.

The next thing I knew the Doctor, with the same panicked tone to his voice, was shaking me awake.

"Rose! Wake up, we've got to get to the TARDIS."

I wasn't entirely sure what had just happened, if I'd just passed out or blanked out or been knocked out I had no idea, but it was clear that I was gone there for a moment, which was more than a little weird, but I quickly forgot it due to the fact that the Doctor was still panicking us out of this place as fast as we could reach the TARDIS door.

The ground was sort of shaking like some sort of earthquake, though he said it was more like a haemovortic electrical storm. I slammed the door shut behind us and he gave me the sort of look that told me we might be in a hurry but please be careful of my ship and so I ran my hand along a column and heard her hum in my mind.

He started switching switches and cranking levers and was smiling like usual and running off some anecdote about Venusian Mangoes, which made me smile too. And it was just like usual. Until it all went pear shape.

Suddenly all the poor went out, and we both sort of stared at the time rotor confused. And then the door just sort of exploded from the outside in. Scrapes of the poor TARDIS went flying everywhere and so forcefully that we had to duck behind the console to keep from being impaled. And it was very very quiet. And we were very very quiet listening to whatever it was that had just broken through the TARDIS door because you knew that couldn't be good.

And then there was this little whiring of wheels and this sentence: "The Doct-tor and his com-pan-ion will leave the TAR-DIS." And so far as I know there's only one creature in the universe that sounds like that, and I was fairly sure that they were all supposed to be dead. I'd turned them all into dust. I thought. Now I obviously couldn't see myself but I was fairly sure that I was blanching, and I hadn't previously noticed that I was holding the Doctor's hand quite so tightly but I apparently was.

"Come on," he said, standing and getting ready to just walk out there. I didn't move. "Rose, they've just blasted open the TARDIS door, we can't just hide in here they'll just come in."

I nodded, he had a point really, so I stood and we walked out of the TARDIS together. Now I am not exactly sure what it was that I was expecting but it really wasn't an entire army of Daleks. A few maybe, not that it would matter, I'd once seen one Dalek take out two hundred people without a blink of it's eyestalk, but an army was... worse. Much worse. And they were all staring at us.

"You are the Doc-tor, you are registered as ene-my of the Daleks, you will be exter-min-ated."

The Doctor held up one of his hands and said "Well now wait just-" and then that was all he got out cause the Dalek that had just been speaking aimed his gunstalk and just... fired.

I was a bit out of body then, slow motion maybe. But I was aware of myself screaming my throat raw and the shot hit the Doctor square on the chest, his whole body sort of lit up like he was struck by lightening or something and then he was crumpled on the floor. He wasn't breathing, and neither of his hearts were beating. Just... nothing. And I really didn't want to think the word dead but at that point... what other word is there. I felt completely numb and my head was ringing. There'd been plenty of times travelling with the Doctor that I'd thought I was going to die, but I'd never known it before.

More later...


HelenW said...

NOOO!!!!! omg!

Anonymous said...

*rubs chest*